Java Overview
- Introduction to Java
- Object Oriented Concepts
- Exception and String Handling
- Multithreading
Android Overview and History
- How it all got started.
- Compare Android to other Mobile Platforms
- Why Android is Important?
Android Stack
- Overview of the Stack
- Linux Kernel
- Native Libraries
- Dalvik Virtual Machine
- Application Framework
- Apps
SDK Overview
- Platforms
- Tools
- Versions
Basic Building Block
- Activity
- Intent
- Content Provider
- Broadcast Receiver
- Services
- Creating your first App
- App Directory
- Structure Manifest File
- Layout Resource
- MVC in android
- Android Virtual Device(Emulator)
- Running your App on Emulator
Activity and Multi Media
- What is Activity
- Activity Lifecycle
- How Activity introduce to Manifest
- Handling User Events
- Start Activity For Result
- Media Player: Audio
- Video View: Video
Layout and Menus
- Views and Layouts
- Common UI Component
- Creating Menus
- Setting colors and Background
- Role of Intent
- Types of Intent
- Intent matching rules
- Filters in your manifest
- Toast Notifications
- Custom Notifications
- Dialog Boxes
Animation and Services
- Frame Animation
- Overview of services in Android
- Implementing a Service
- Service Life Cycle
- Started Services Vs Bound Services
SQLite Database (Native)
- Introduction to SQLite Database
- SQLite Open Helper and Creating database
- Opening and Closing a Database
- Working with Cursor
Content Provider
- Introduction to Content Provider
- Defining URI for Provider
- Content Provider MIME Types
- Introduction to Content Resolver
- Access Predefined Content Provider
- Android Bluetooth
- Android Camera
Advance Android (Hybrid App.)
Location Based Services
- Working with the location Based Services (API)
- Working with the location – manager
- Configuring the Emulator to Test Location –Based service
Android Telephony
- Lunching the Dialer to Initiate Phone
- Calls Replacing the Native Dialer
- Reading Phone Device Details
Web Interaction
- Http Client & Http response
- Async Task
- Connecting with mySQL database
- Downloading image from server
- Uploading image to server
- JSON Parsing
- Connectivity with Remote Database Server
- How Sensors work
- Type of sensors
Date Storage
- Shared Preferences
- Internal Storage (Files)
- External Storage(SD Card)
- SQLite Databases
Wi Fi
- Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
- Managing active connections
- Managing Wi Fi
Publishing Android Application
- Generate .apk file and upload on device
- Working with google play.
- Understanding App Marketing