“Diploma in Software Engineering”
Course Syllabus
Module 1: Programming Through C language
- Data Types, Variable, Constants, Keywords, Types of Errors
- Condition Checking (if-else, Switch-Case)
- Loops (While, For, Do-while)
- Use of GOTO, Break and Continue
- Nesting of Loops (Pyramids, Pascal Triangle, etc.)
- Functions (Pointers, Recursion)
- Array(1-D, 2-D), Pointer and Arrays, Sorting Techniques
- String , String handling functions (strcpy, strlen, strcmp, strcat, strlwr, etc.)
- Structures and Unions
- Structure Pointer, Array in Structure,Nested Structure
- File Handling in ‘C’ Language
Module 2: Object Oriented Programming through C++
- Object and Classes, Structure Vs. Classes
- Passing Object to function
- Constructors & Destructors (Copy Constructor, Constructor Overloading)
- Operator Overloading (Unary, Binary etc.)
- Data Encapsulation/Data Hiding, Access Specifiers
- Inheritance (Multi-Level, Hybrid, Multiple Inheritance), Function Overriding
- Friend Class, Friend Functions
- Polymorphism (Virtual Functions)
- Working With Files (File Handling), Exception Handling
Module 3: Database Management Using MySQL
- RDBMS Terms (Attribute, Record, Entity, etc.), Integrity Constraints, Data Types
- Types of SQL Commands (DDL, DML, DCL)
- Where, Distinct, Having, Order by, Group by, Order By
- Nested Queries, Set Operations, Grant and Revoke, Nested Queries
- Special Operator, Joins, Table aliases, Unions, MySQL Security
- Dreamweaver, HTML & HTML (5.0)
- HTML Tags, Attributes, Headings, List, Image, Hyperlink, Frames, Form, Table
- HTML5 Semantic Attributes, HTML5 SVG element
- Audio Tag, Video tag, New Form Elements, Canvas
- Drag and Drop API, Geo-location, HTML5 Compatibility
- Cascading Style Sheet (CSS 3 & 5)
- Backgrounds, Box Model, Dimension, Pseudo-class, Pseudo-element
- Navigation Bar Image Gallery, Image Opacity
- Gradients, Shadows, 2D & 3D Transforms
- Progress Bars, Multistep Form, Animations, Image Slideshow
- Overlay effect, Fixed Menu Bars, Animation Button, Vertical tabs
- Java Script
- About JavaScript and version, Variable in JavaScript, JavaScript operator
- Condition Check (If-else statement), Switch statement
- Loop (While Loop, Do while Loop, For Loop)
- Function, Array, Strings
- Error Handling, Event Handling, JavaScript Objects
- Dreamweaver, HTML & HTML (5.0)
- 4.2: CORE JAVA (PREREQUISITE for MODULE 5.2 or 5.3)
- Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Bitwise, Unary; Operator precedence)
- Control Statements
- If – else, Switch case, Iteration Statements-Loops), Break, Continue
- Classes and Objects
- Constructor Overloading, Method Overloading
- Inheritance (Multilevel hierarchy, Method overriding, Abstract classes)
- Packages and Interfaces (Defining packages, Set CLASSPATH, Implementing interface)
- Threads and Multithreaded programming (Creating and extending threads, Multiple threads, Using isAlive() and join())
- String handling
- Input output classes and interfaces (Files , Stream class, Byte Stream, Character Stream)
Module 5: Website /Desktop Application/Mobile App Development
(Any one Module from 5.1/5.2/5.3 can be chosen)
- 5.1: Python & Django
- Conditional, Looping, Control Statements (if, if-elif, for, while, break, continue, pass, range())
- Mutable And Immutable Data Types
- String, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
- Functions (Types, Function Arguments, Lambda functions, Global and local variable)
- Modules (Creating and importing module, math module, random module) & Packages
- File Handling, Exception Handling
- OOPS Concept (Classes & Object, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation)
- Regular Expressions (Match function, Search function, Patterns)
- Python MYSQL Database Access
- Thread (Synchronizing threads, Multithreaded priority queue)
- NUMPY Module
- Creation of 1D, 2D Array
- Plotting Graphs, Line Graph
- Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram
- GUI Programming (Tkinter Programming, Tkinter Widgets)
- DJANGO Framework
- MVT, Django Model, Django View, Django Template
- URL Mapping, Static file configuration
- Forms Creation (Model Forms, Django Forms, Get & Post, Validation)
- Sessions and Cookies, Django CRUD
- File Uploading and Database Connectivity in Django
- CSV and PDF file creation, Mail Setup
- 5.2: Advance Java and J2EE
- Applets, Swing, AWT, Layout Manager
- Adapter Classes, Database Connectivity
- Static Website Development
- Dynamic website development (Java EE)
- Servlets
- JSP (Java Server Pages)
- JDBC (Java database connectivity)
- Types of Drivers, SQL Database
- File Uploading and Downloading
- Sending email using JavaMail API
- AJAX, Asynchronous Java Script and XML
- Using Captcha, Security, Webservices
- MVC (Design Pattern)
- Struts 2
- Spring
- Hibernate
- ORM, POJOS, CRUD , Reverse Engineering
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- 5.3: Android
- Android Stack, SDK Overview
- Activity and Multi Media
- Layout and Menus, Intent, Notifications
- Animation and Services
- SQLite Database (Native), Content Provider
- Android Bluetooth, Camera, Telephony
- Location Based Services, Web Interaction
- JSON, Sensors, Data Storage, Wi Fi
- Publishing Android Application
- Understanding App Marketing