- Intro To Websites
- Role of Web Designer
- HTML Tags
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Headings
- HTML Block and Inline elements;
- HTML Doctype
- HTML List
- HTML Image
- HTML Hyperlink
- HTML Iframes
- HTML Entities
- HTML Form
- HTML Table
- HTML Meta tags
- HTML5 Intro
- HTML5 New Elements
- HTML5 New Attributes
- HTML5 Semantic Attributes
- HTML5 Audio Tag
- Html5 Video tag
- HTML5 New Form Elements
- HTML5 SVG element
- HTML5 Canvas
- HTML5 Drag and Drop API
- HTML5 Geolocation
- HTML5 Local & Session Storage
- HTML5 Compatibility
- HTML5shiv.js( For tags support on IE8 and below)
- modernizr.js( For Feature Detection library for IE8 and below)
- Respond.js( For media queries support on IE8 and below)