Duration : 7-8 Months X Alternate Days X 1.5- 2 Hrs
Course Syllabus
- History
- Features Setting up path
- Working with Python Basic Syntax
- Variable & Data Types
- Operators (Arithmetic, Relational,
Membership, Bitwise etc.)
- Punctuators, Indentation, Comments
Conditional Statements
- If
- If- else
- If-elif
- Nested if-else
Iterative Statements (Looping)
- For
- While
- Loop else statement
- Nested loops
Control Statements
String Manipulation
- Accessing Strings
- Basic Operations
- String slices
- Function and Methods
- Introduction
- Creating List
- Accessing list
- List Operations
- Function and Methods
- Working with lists (List Programs)
- Introduction
- Accessing Tuples
- Operations
- Working
- Introduction (Key: Values)
- Accessing values/elements
- Dictionaries Properties
- Functions and Methods
Sorting & Searching Concepts
- What is Sorting
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Binary Search
- Defining a function
- Calling a function
- Types of functions
- Function Arguments
- Scope of Variables
- Global and local variables
- Returning Values from function
Python Libraries/ Packages/ Modules
- Python standard libraries
- Structure of a module
- Importing module
- Math module
- Random module
- Urlib and WebBrowser modules
- Packages
- Creating a Python Library/package(s)
- Importing Python Libraries
Input-Output (File Handling)
- Data Files (Text and Binary Files)
- Opening/Closing a File
- Reading data from File
- Writing data in a file from keyboard
- Printing on screen
- File Handling Functions
- Standard Input, Output and Error streams
Exceptional Handling
- Exception
- Exception Handling Except clause
- Try ? Finally clause
- User Defined Exceptions
OOPs Concepts
- Class and object
- Constructor & Destructor
- Attributes and Iterator
- Inheritance (Multi Level, Multiple)
- Data Hiding (Encapsulation)
- Overloading
- Overriding
- Thread
- Starting a thread Threading module Synchronizing threads
- Multithreaded Priority Queue
Python CGI
- Introduction
- Architecture
- CGI environment
- Variable Cookies
- File upload
- Patterns
Python Arrays (NumPy)
- Creating NumPy Arrays
- Indexing & Slicing
- NumPy Data Types
- Join & Split
- Searching, Sorting & Filtering
Python Matplotlib
- Matplotlib Pyplot
- Matplotlib Plotting
- Matplotlib Markers
- Matplotlib Line
- Matplotlib Scatter
- Matplotlib Bars
- Matplotlib Pie Charts
Database Connectivity with MySQL
- MySQL Operations
- Database Connection
- Creating New Database
- Creating Tables
- Inserting Records in Table
- Fetching Records from Database
- Using Python
- Read Operation using Select, Where,
- OrderBy etc
- Update Operations
- Join Operations
- Performing Transactions
Python Pandas
- Pandas Series
- Pandas Dataframes (2-Dimensional)
- Reading CSV files
- Analyzing Data
- Cleaning Data
GUI Programming (Intro)
- Introduction
- Tkinter programming
- Tkinter widgets
Python MongoDB
- CRUD Operations
- Create, Read, Update & Delete
- MongoDB Query
Minor Project Work
- Dreamweaver, HTML & HTML (5.0)
- HTML Tags, Attributes, Headings, List, Image
- Hyperlink, Frames, Form, Table
- HTML5 Semantic Attributes, HTML5 SVG element Audio Tag, Video tag
- New Form Elements, Canvas
- Local & Session Storage
- Drag and Drop API, Geolocation, HTML5 Compatibility
- js( For tags support on IE8 and below)
- js( For Feature Detection library for IE8 and below)
- js( For media queries support on IE8 and below)
- Cascading Style Sheet (CSS 3 & 5)
- Backgrounds, Box Model, Dimension
- Pseudo-class, Pseudo-element
- Navigation Bar Image Gallery, Image Opacity
- Gradients, Shadows, 2D & 3D Transforms
- Progress Bars, Multistep Form
- Animations, Image Slideshow, Image Hover Overlay
- Animation Button, Vertical tabs Overlay effect, Rounded Corners, Fixed Menu Bars, Slide Bar on Scroll, Cards
- JavaScript
- Variables & Operators
- Condition Check (If-else statement)
- Switch statement
- Iterative Statements (Loop)
- While Loop
- Do while Loop
- For Loop
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript Arrays
- JavaScript Strings
- JavaScript Form Validation
- JavaScript Cookies
- Error Handling, Event Handling
- Javascript Objects
- Bootstrap (Designing a Mobile Responsive WebSite)
- Structure of Bootstrap Application Responsive Web Design(RWD)
- Using page headers and panels, Adding Media Objects, Thumbnails
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Working with forms
- Bootstrap Plugins
- Navigation Components
- Bootstrap CSS, etc
- Web Hosting and Domain Name
- Introduction to Django
- Feature of Django, Django web server
- Understanding Django environment
- A simple HelloWorld Applicaion
- MVT In Django
- Django Model
- Register / Use Model
- Django Model Fields
- Django View
- What is a view
- HTTP Decorators
- HttpResponse
- URL route configuration
- Django Template
- Why Django Template?
- Django Template Configuration
- Loading Template
- Django Template Language
- URL Mapping In Django
- Static files (CSS, JavaScript) (Configuration In Django)
- Forms Creation In Django
- Model Forms, Django Forms
- Widgets, Validation
- Forms in templates
- Sessions and Cookies In Django
- Creating session and cookies
- Difference between session and cookies
- Upload Site on Server
- Database Connectivity In Django
- Configuring MySql Database
- Working with MySql Database
- Django Admin Panel
- Creating Super User
- Using admin in Django
- Block/Unblock/View Users
- Design Client and Admin side
- Developing an e-Commerce Website
- Integration of Payment Gateway
- Integration of Online Chat application
(Create Read Update Delete)
- CSV & PDF File Creation In Django
- Mail Setup In Django