Course Syllabus
Basics of ‘C’ Language
- History and Features of C, Importance of C, About Procedural Language
- Role of Compiler, Role of Interpreter, The Structure of a C Program.
- Writing C Programs, Building an Executable Version of a C Program
- Types of Errors , Debugging a C Program.
An Overview of ‘C’ And Buzzwords
- Data Types, Variable, Constants , Key words
- Input and Output Operators, Reading/Writing Character
- Formatted input/output Function
Various Types of Operators
- ‘C’ Arithmetic Operators (Remainder Operator ‘%’ etc.)
- Unary, Binary, Ternary Operator (Conditional Operator)
- Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT)
- Relational Operators (<,>, <=, >= etc.)
- Bitwise Operators
Condition Checking
- The IF…..ELSE Statement, Nesting of IF…..ELSE Statements
- Implementation of Logical operators with IF-Else.
- USE of SWITCH-CASE Statements
Loops (Iterative Statements)
- While
- For
- Do – While
- Implementation of Conditions (If-Else) within Loop
- Use of GOTO, Break and Continue
- Nesting of Loops (Pyramids , Pascal Triangle etc.)
Functions in ‘C’
- Function Basics, Advantage of Function
- Function Returning Values
- Recursion
- Function Calling (Call by Value, Call by Reference, Call by Pointer)
- Designing Your Own Header File
- Function Overloading, Passing Default Arguments to Function
Storage Classes in ‘C’
- Automatic, Register, Static, Global (Extern)
- Application of storage Classes
Preprocessor (Macro)
- Macro Expansion
- Macros with arguments
- Macros vs Functions
Pointers in ‘C’
- Declaring and Initializing Pointers
- Pointer to pointer
- Pointers with Functions (Call By Pointer)
- Pointer Arithmetic
Array in ‘C’
- One Dimension Arrays, Two Dimension Arrays, Multi Dimensions Array
- Pointer and Arrays
- Passing Array to Function
- Sorting Techniques (Bubble Sort, Selection Sort etc.)
- Array Multiplication, Addition Subtraction etc.
String in ‘C’
- Initializing String
- String handling functions (strcpy, strlen, strcmp, strcat, strlwr, strupr etc.)
- Passing string to function
- Sorting Techniques (Bubble Sort, Selection Sort etc.)
- Manipulating String
- Unformatted Functions to work with strings and characters
Structures and Unions
- Defining a Structure, Size (Memory) of Structure, Initialization of Structure
- Array of Structure objects, Structure Pointer, Array in Structure
- Nested Structure (Structure within Structure)
- Passing Structure to Function, Function returning Structure
- Unions
- Structure Vs Unions
ENUM, Typedef, Type Casting
Escape Sequences in ‘C’
Introduction to Link List (Dynamic Memory allocation)
- Dynamic Memory Allocation(Malloc, Calloc, Realloc, Free etc.)
- Concepts of Linked Lists
- Creating a Linked Lists, Inserting/Deleting an item in Linked List
- Applications of Linked Lists
File Handling in ‘C’
- File Management, File Pointers
- Opening/Closing a File , Operations on File (Read, Write, Append etc.)
- Text File and Binary File
- Input/Output operations on Files
- Error Handling During I/O Operations
- Command Line Arguments