Course Syllabus
HTML & HTML (5.0)
- HTML Tags, Attributes, Headings, List, Image
- Hyperlink, Frames, Form, Table
- HTML5 Semantic Attributes, HTML5 SVG element
- Audio Tag, Video tag
- New Form Elements, Canvas
- Drag and Drop API, Geolocation, HTML5 Compatibility
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS 3 & 5)
- Backgrounds, Box Model, Dimension
- Pseudo-class, Pseudo-element
- Navigation Bar Image Gallery, Image Opacity
- Gradients, Shadows, 2D & 3D Transforms
- Progress Bars, Multistep Form
- Animations, Image Slideshow, Image Hover Overlay
- Animation Button, Vertical tabs
- Overlay effect, Rounded Corners, Fixed Menu Bars
- Slide Bar on Scroll, Cards, Tabs etc.
Tailwind CSS
- Getting Started with Tailwind CSS, Setting up Tailwind CSS
- Core Concepts Customization Base Styles Layout Flexbox & Grid Spacing
- Utility Classes, Exploring various utility classes for styling elements
- Responsive design with utility classes
- Styling Components, Customizing the default theme
- Designing responsive layouts
- Integration with Frameworks (React)
Programming Through ‘C’ language
- Data Types, Variable, Constants, Keywords.
- Types of Errors, C Arithmetic, C Programming Structure
- Condition Checking (if-else), Loops (While, For, Do-while)
- Switch Case, Continue & Break statements
- Functions, Pointers , Recursion
- Array (1-D, 2-D), String, Structures File Handling
Object Oriented Programming through C++
- Object and Classes, Structure Vs Classes
- Passing Object to function
- Data Encapsulation/Data Hiding, Access Specifiers
- Inheritance (Multi-Level, Hybrid, Multiple Inheritance)
- Friend Class, Friend Functions
- Polymorphism (Virtual Functions)
- About Javascript and version, Variable in Javascript, Javascript operator
- Condition Check (If-else statement), Switch statement
- Loop (While Loop, Do while Loop, For Loop)
- Function, Array, Strings
- Error Handling, Event Handling, Javascript Objects
- Anatomy of a jQuery Script
- Selecting: The Core of jQuery
- Images, Slideshows, Menus , Panels and Panes
- Decorating: CSS with jQuery
- Enhancing: Adding Effects with jQuery
- Tabs, Forms, Animating , Resizing, Scrolling
- Lists & Tables
Bootstrap (Designing a Mobile Responsive WebSite)
- Structure of Bootstrap Application Responsive Web Design(RWD)
- Using page headers and panels, Adding Media Objects, Thumbnails
- Grid, Forms, Plugins, Navigation Components, Bootstrap CSS, etc
MODULE 3 : AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJS
- Understanding JavaScript frameworks
- What is AngularJS and its advantages
- Setting up the development environment
AngularJS Directives
- ng-app, ng-controller, ng-model, ng-bind, etc.
- Custom directives
Data Binding
- Two-way data binding, One-way data binding
Controllers and Scope
- Creating controllers, Scope hierarchy and inheritance
Services and Factories
- Creating and using services, Dependency injection
- Configuring routes (Setting up and Loading Routes)
- Implementing navigation
- Passing/Fetching Parameters to Routes
- Authentication & Route Protection
- Using built-in filters, Creating custom filters
Form Validation
- AngularJS form validation techniques
HTTP Communication
- Making HTTP requests using $http service
- Handling responses
Directives in Depth
- Understanding the directive lifecycle
- Creating custom directives with link functions
Testing AngularJS Applications
- Writing unit tests with Jasmine and Karma
- End-to-end testing with Protractor
CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Creating Databases & Collections, Comparing JSON & BSON
- Finding, Inserting, Deleting & Updating Elements
- FindingMany, InsertingMany, DeletingMany, UpdatingMany
- Arrays, Accessing Structured Data
Advanced Create Operations
- Working with Ordered Inserts
- Importing Data
Advanced Read Operations
- Methods, Filters & Operators
- Query Selectors & Projection Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Embedded Fields & Arrays
- Element Operators
- Working with “$type” ● “$regex” and “$expr”
- Array Query Selectors ● Cursors and Projection
Advanced Update Operations
- CRUD Operation on Element Fields, CRUD Operation on Arrays
Advanced Delete Operations
- “deleteOne()” & “deleteMany()”
Working With Indexes
- Single Field Index & Compound Indexes Indexes For Sorting
- Partial Filters & Partial Index, Time-To-Live (TTL) Index
- Query Diagnosis, Query Planning, Multi-Key Indexes, Text Indexes & Sorting
Introduction to Node.js
- Node.js is and its architecture.
- Differences between Node.js and traditional server-side technologies.
- Installing Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager).
Node.js Module System
- Intro Node.js Module System, Importing Node.js Core Modules
- Importing npm modules and your own files
- Global npm modules and nodemon,
Basic JavaScript and Asynchronous Programming:
- Reviewing fundamental JavaScript concepts.
- Understanding asynchronous programming and the event loop in Node.js.
- Working with callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await.
Building a Basic Server:
- Creating a simple HTTP server using Node.js core modules.
- Handling HTTP requests and responses.
- Routing and handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.).
Working with Databases (MongoDB)
- Connecting to databases like MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL.
- Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on the database.
- Using an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library.
Working with Express.js:
- Introduction to Express.js, a popular Node.js web framework.
- Setting up routes, middleware, and handling templates.
- Handling forms, file uploads, and cookies.
Authentication and Security:
- Implementing user authentication and authorization.
- Handling passwords securely using hashing and salting.
- Preventing common security vulnerabilities like SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
Testing and Debugging:
- Writing unit tests and integration tests for Node.js applications.
- Using testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha.
- Debugging Node.js applications using debugging tools.
MODULE 6: Express.js
Introduction to Express.js
- Understanding Node.js and its role in web development
- Explaining what Express.js is and its advantages
Setting Up the Development Environment
Routing and Middleware
- Defining routes and handling HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Working with route parameters and query strings
- Implementing middleware for request processing
Templating Engines
- Integrating and using templating engines (EJS, Pug, Handlebars)
- Rendering dynamic content on web pages
Working with Forms and Data
- Handling form submissions
- Validating user input
- Connecting to databases (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL) using middleware like Mongoose
Authentication and Security
- Implementing user authentication and sessions
- Securing routes and data
- Managing passwords and user credentials
Error Handling
- Understanding error handling in Express.js
- Custom error handling and error middleware
RESTful API Development
- Building RESTful APIs with Express.js
- Handling CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)