# Quick Revision of Class XI Python Programming
Unit 1: Data Handling
- Working with NumPy
- NumPy Arrays vs. Python lists
- NumPy Data Types
- Creating NumPy Arrays (1-D, 2-D)
- Working with NumPy Arrays (Accessing individual elements, Array Slices, Joining,
Obtaining Subsets, Arithmetic Operations) - Applications of NumPy Arrays (Covariance, Correlation, Linear Regression)
- Python Pandas
- Descriptive Statistics with Pandas
- Functions Min(), Max(), Mode(), Mean(), Median()
- Count(), Sum(), Quantile(), Var(), etc.
- Applying functions on a subset of DataFrame
- Advanced Operations on DataFrame (Pivoting, Sorting, Aggregation)
- Creating Histogram
- Function Application (pipe(), apply(), applymap(), groupby(), transform(), etc.)
- Reindexing and Altering Labels
- Plotting with Pyplot
- Data Visualization
- Using Pyplot of Matplotlib Library
- Creating Line Charts, Scatter Charts (plot() function)
- Creating Bar Charts
- Changing widths, Colors of Bars
- Creating Multiple Bars Chart
- Creating Horizontal Bar Chart
- Customizing the Plot
- Adding Title
- Setting X and Y Labels, Limits
- Adding Legends
- Creating Histograms with Pyplot
- Creating Frequency Polygons
- Creating Box Charts
Unit 2: Basic Software Engineering (BSE)
- Software Engineering
- Software Process Activities
- Software Specification
- Software Design and Implementation
- Software Verification and Validation
- Software Evolution/Software Maintenance
- Software Process Models
- Waterfall Model
- Evolutionary Model
- Component based Model
- Delivery Models
- Incremental Model
- Spiral Model
- Agile Software Development
- Pair Programming
- Scrum
- Version Control Systems
- Types and Utility of Versions Control System
- Git (Distributed Version Control System)
- Use-Case Diagrams
- Business Use-Case Diagrams
- System Use-Case Diagrams
Unit 3: Data Management
- MySQL and SQL
- MySQL Data types, SQL Constraints
- Accessing database in MySQL
- Creating Tables and Inserting data into Tables
- Creating Tables with SQL Constraints
- Inserting Data in another Table
- Retrieving Data from Table (Select)
- Conditional based/Pattern based Retrieval
- Modifying/Deleting Data in/from Tables
- Altering/Dropping Tables
- Using Column Aliases, Working with NULL Values
- SQL Joins
- Indexes in Database
- Ordering Records in Result (Order By Clause)
- Types of SQL Functions
- Aggregate Functions, String functions, etc.
- Grouping Result (Group By)
- Having (Condition Retrieving on Groups)
- Creating Django based Web Application
- Web Framework
- Installing Django in Virtual Environment
- Activating virtual Environment
- Creating Models, Views and Templates
- Writing Dictionary Data to CSV and Text Files
- Get and Post Request
- Interface Python with MySQL
- Connecting to MySQL from Python
- Parameterized Queries
- Performing Insert and Update Queries
Unit 4: Society, Law and Ethics
- Ethical Issues
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Plagiarism
- Digital Property Rights
- Open Source Philosophy and Software Licenses
- Philosophy of Open Source
- Licenses and Domains of Open Source Technology
- Privacy, Online Fraud, Cyber Crime
- Computer Forensics
- Cyber Law and IT Act, Technology and Society
- E-waste Management
- E-waste Disposal Process
- Benefits of e-waste Recycling
- Identity Theft,
- Gender Issues
- Role of New Media in Society
- Online Campaigns
- Crowd Sourcing
- Smart Mobs
- Case Studies
- Issues with Internet
- Internet as an Echo Chamber
- NET Neutrality
- Internet Addiction